Am I Reading Too Much Romance?

Corryn Pettingill
4 min readSep 9, 2022

A Case for the Romance Genre

Satirical Replication of a Romance Novel “Butter for the Balls” by Corryn Pettingill

A book rests in my lap as I slip my fingers through the pages, scanning the words as if they hold the world’s secrets, gobbling the words like a famished peasant seeing bread for the first time in ages. Nothing puts a smile on my face like the humorous, screech-eliciting, toe-curling, feet-swinging romantic comedies that have gained immense popularity in the last few years. While I…



Corryn Pettingill

I am a writer and an artist who loves to spend my time reading and swimming. I love art history and I want to expose it more so the world can love it too.