The Impacts Technology and Social Media Have on Art

How the Gallery Experience Has Evolved

Corryn Pettingill
9 min readNov 29, 2022
Drawing Account by Corryn Pettingill

Art has always reflected the era it was created. New inventions and ideas push artists to reflect the world around them and use new forms of media to present their works. However, with the invention and popularity of smartphones and digital media, the way that artists create and present their works have evolved to a level we could not have imagined twenty years ago. The use of technology has widened the opportunities for artists in the ways that they create art, as well as impacted the viewers’ experience. Instead of viewers experiencing traditional art in galleries, social media and the Internet has allowed artists to share and create their art in a non-traditional way that might be detrimental to the art industry.

Technology as a whole can describe many different forms of art such as photography, sound art, artificial intelligence, and more. A popular form of digital art are online programs that act as two-dimensional canvases that can be accessed by the Internet and drawn on computers or tablets. Some of these programs include Photoshop, Procreate, and Blendr, where anyone can draw digitally. Charlie Gere speaks about our use of technology in art and how it isn’t such a modern subject; “when new media art is represented at all in such institutions, it is almost…



Corryn Pettingill
Corryn Pettingill

Written by Corryn Pettingill

I am a writer and an artist who loves to spend my time reading and swimming. I love art history and I want to expose it more so the world can love it too.

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